Sunday, January 14, 2007

April 2005 and beyond

So now we are in April of 2005, and I am extremely bitter about loosing my job. My fear was that because of what happened I would not be able to get another job ever. I still went to nearly every store that had a "now hiring" sign and filled out application after application.

After nearly 6 weeks, no one had called me in for an interview.

I cannot honestly remember what else I did during that time, my mind seems to have placed a fog on those memories, so "tragic" they were. But somehow I must have been looking online as well, filling out forms requesting information on working from home.

Someone was trying to call me.

After seeing a few messages, I looked up the phone number online to see who the heck could be calling me. This person was from Texas. After all I still hadn't discovered forums yet, or had any friends outside of California. I didn't recognize the name, so I just dismissed the calls.

Well, close to the end of May, this person finally got a hold of me by the phone. Turns out that I had submited a request for more information on a work from home business (not that I'd remember). So I listened to the 30 minute conference call.

That was my introduction to Melaleuca!

At the end of the call we chatted a little longer. I immediatley signed up with her. I was excited to try the products and find out if they really do work the way the other people claimed they did. So as soon as I recieved the link via email to complete the registration, I logged into the website, and placed my order for the Value pack.

Now flash forward to August 2006.

I had the pleasure of attending the Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. To read about my trip see my post, It's been a while on my personal blog.

I had found confidence in myself finally, and knew that I could make this happen and start building a business and helping people at the same time. Going to the Convention changed me, changed the way I thought.

Alas, my confidence only lasted a few weeks. Find out what happened on my personal blog.

During 2006 I was not only involved in Melaleuca and the SHALI team, but I also joined three other businesses as well, two of which I am still part of, but not doing much with.

The first was Stuff A Friend (SAF). Since it was free to join, I said "Why not!!" Not only was it free to join, but there are no monthly commitments to deal with. I liked the concept of the products, and figured that I could order stuff for birthdays and holidays. So far I have not ordered anything, but I will be doing something with SAF this year.

The second was Mia Bella/Scent-sations. I have always loved candles, but am majorly allergic to scented candles. Since Mia Bella's candles were made of soy, I thought I'd try them and see how I reacted. Low and behold, I didn't react allergically to them- so I went for the Candle of the Month club- which is $40 a month autoshipment. I lost this one with SHALI (read that post I linked to above if you haven't already).

The third was Isagenix. A friend of mine who is also involved in Mia Bella got me interested in ISA. So I joined her team, but at the time could not order any products. I still have not been able to order products, but plan on doing so before July when I have to pay the yearly membership.

Now as I am writing this I remember that I did join one more- Fairy Garden Creations (FGC). Another ISA friend of mine introduced me to FGC. It's a brand new company, but has tons of potential!! Sign ups were free when I joined, so I said why not. And the rep commitment is reasonable, I only have to purchase something once every quarter (every three months) and there is no minimum purchase amount either. I figured that 2007 will be a better year for me, and I would have no problem with maintaining my rep status.

So now we are up to date with my work/business history. Next post and beyond I will be focusing on one businsess at a time. I may be announcing specials, contests, you never know. I started this blog with my businesses in mind, as a way to get the information out to the public. But I felt that I needed to help my readers get to know me first and that is what these first few posts have been all about.

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to leave a comment. I do have comment moderation turned on, so don't be alarmed if your comment does not show up right away. I did that to eliminate spam, which I know will happen, it's only a matter of time.

Thank you all for wanting to get to know me, and I look forward to sharing with you all the wonderful things I've learned about my businesses!!

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