Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Awesome Candles- Awesome Company!

Are you looking for some great gifts? Well, why not some incredible smelling, clean burning candles from Mia Bella?? over 90 scents to choose from, from votives to 26oz jars, as well as the flamless versions! You can also become a Candle Of the Month Club member for $39.95 + tax and shipping. With that you have the opportunity to purchase candles at a 50% discount for yourself or for resale!

Also from now until the end of the year, I will be donating 75% of my online retail profits to Grand Sheramina Food Bank (my local food bank). The more you purchase, the more I can donate!  ;o)

I will have a small amount of inventory for sale this Saturday, April 21, at the Spring Craft Show at the Sheridan United Methodist Church from 9am -4pm. I will be accepting orders as well, and 75% of all my orders from that day will go to Grand Sheramina as well!

Visit my website for more details and to see the amazing line of candles available to you!

This is the Orchard Collection- 
9oz jars in Honeydew Melon, Crisp Apple, Fresh Peach, and Juicy Pear.