Sunday, October 21, 2012

Help out an up-and-coming local community event center find it's permanent home!

I am proud to be able to support such a worthy group. I'm talking about The Fern Eberhart Center, based out of the town I am growing roots in, Sheridan, Oregon. :D

This town is a tiny town of close to 3000 residents... well, to be honest, the town population plaque says 5500, but about 2500 is prison population of the local pentintary. Anywhoo- this tiny town has NOTHING... so a group of local concerned citizens decided to band together and work towards bringing a community event center to our town. They named the still homeless event center after a longtime local teacher who passed away a few years ago- Fern Eberhart.

The group has been doing some amazing events so far, in a sort of nomadic way, jumping from one building to another since May of this year. The one constant fundraising event is a monthly karaoke night for the entire family- alcohol free!! For this town, a family night out in town is almost unheard of- they have to travel at least 30 minutes to the larger town of Mc Minnville, or head to Portland, Salem, or the Coast, which are all at least an hour away. Having a local event center will make a huge difference in this town. And they are still looking for a building that can be turned into a permament home.

Now, fundraising efforts have started to gain momentum, as the word has gotten out about this amazing group. I am helping out by donating a portion of the sales of my candles to them! I have a goal of a minimum $100 by December 1st to give them.  You can choose mainly from the four holiday Signature candles:

But you may also choose from any of the other candles available from my website at  I am donating $3 minimum per candle- the more ordered the more per candle I will donate. :o)

So, help me out to reach my minimum donation of $100 by December 1st. :o)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Get a One of a kind Holiday Gift through Mia Bella!!

Tired of the same candle gifts every year??

How about trying something different this year!

Mia Bella has some incredible, one-of-a-kind candle gifts available for your visual and scent-ual pleasure! :o)  *disclaimer- all scent descriptions and photos are taken directly from my website at* Online Retail price is $24.95 for all 20oz Signature Candles.

First- Halloween is coming up fast! Try our beautiful Jack'OLantern Signature Candle! ;o) Enjoy the wonderful smells of Autumn- nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon with this incredible one of a kind halloween "sculptured candle."

Or if you would like to plan for Thanksgiving we have our Signature Mahogany Apple Candle as well!
Fresh Macintosh apples with a woodsy undertone.

Then right around the corner is Christmas!!  And boy, do we have some incredible candles just for this holiday time! :D

Christmas Tree: Let this holiday tree light up your life with the wonderful aroma of pine

Gingerbread Cookie: is baked just right with ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and sweetened with brown sugar and molasses.
Holiday Wreath:  Fresh pine will come inside your home to remind you how wonderful the holiday season is.

Sleigh Bells: Can you hear them ringing? The wonderful scent of pine comes indoors for your holiday season

Don't they look beautiful! I can't wait to get mine shipped soon :o)

Oh, but wait! There's more!! YES!!
For those who are not much into holiday decorations, there is also a few other signature candles available!
Sea Treasure: Imagine walking barefoot on the beach...the sun in your face...the fresh smell of the ocean in the air, you look down and see one of it's many treasures a beautiful glowing starfish. Now you can enjoy this experience any time, any weather, anywhere.
Coffee Break: What a way to perk up up your day when you smell the wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Take a break, grab the paper or a book and relax. No caffeine! ;p 

Bella Rosa: Fill your home with the intoxicating aroma of fresh-cut roses Why buy a bouquet when you can have the same scent day in and day out..anytime you are in the mood!  Available in Pink, Orange, Red, and Yellow Roses.

Bella Flora: A blend of exotic fruit & flora of the South Pacific. Sit back and relax and enjoy the aromas of the South Pacific in your home, on your deck or poolside!  Available in Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple, Orange and Pink Flowers.

There are many more specialty candles than I have time to share today!
Just remember, online price does not reflect your state tax or shipping costs. If you are local, please contact me directly so I can order everything together!

So, have you found your holiday gift yet?? :p Don't forget to browse through my website to see everything I offer. Order away!! :o)

Friday, September 14, 2012

New Vendor program available!!

Mia Bella now has a wonderful vendor program available! This new vendor program allows candles to be purchased at a wholesale price and then sold at or above the suggested retail price. This new program also eliminates the need for someone to sign up as an associate distributor in order to purchase candles at a discount. :o)

More information can be found at Or you can contact me directly! ;o)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Awesome Candles- Awesome Company!

Are you looking for some great gifts? Well, why not some incredible smelling, clean burning candles from Mia Bella?? over 90 scents to choose from, from votives to 26oz jars, as well as the flamless versions! You can also become a Candle Of the Month Club member for $39.95 + tax and shipping. With that you have the opportunity to purchase candles at a 50% discount for yourself or for resale!

Also from now until the end of the year, I will be donating 75% of my online retail profits to Grand Sheramina Food Bank (my local food bank). The more you purchase, the more I can donate!  ;o)

I will have a small amount of inventory for sale this Saturday, April 21, at the Spring Craft Show at the Sheridan United Methodist Church from 9am -4pm. I will be accepting orders as well, and 75% of all my orders from that day will go to Grand Sheramina as well!

Visit my website for more details and to see the amazing line of candles available to you!

This is the Orchard Collection- 
9oz jars in Honeydew Melon, Crisp Apple, Fresh Peach, and Juicy Pear.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Incredible tool for Small Business Owners

I have discovered a great new tool for small business owners. I plan on obtaining this tool to use when I am doing vendor fairs and craft shows.

So, what IS she talking about, you ask?

A small, compact, and very useful tool, called Square.

The best thing about this very useful and compact tool is that it's free. And the fees are only 2.75% per swipe of a credit card. There is no other cost to using the Square to accept credit card payments!!! NONE! And easy deposits straight to your bank account- no need to open up a paypal account to accept credit cards!!!

Transparent Pricing

  • 2.75% per swipe for Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AmEx.
  • Free app, free Square Card Reader and free shipping.
  • No merchant account, monthly fees or set-up costs.
  • Manually-entered cards cost 3.5% + 15¢ per transaction.

What I love about Square is that it works on nearly any smart phone that has a touch screen, and you can even use your Ipad as a cash register! Man, I think I may get an Ipad just for that, LOL!

But seriously, not only is the card reader a free tool to obtain and the app is free to download for your apple Iphone, Ipad, or Android smart phone, but anyone who downloads the app can create an account and not have to worry about having their credit card on them at all times! Just walk into, or up to, a merchant that is listed on your Pay with Square app, open a tab from your smart phone, and tell them to put it on your tab. The merchant will then look up your photo, and ID you by the photo, then ring you up and hit charge, and within less than a minute you get a notification on your phone that you have paid. Note: all you need to do is input your credit card information into your Square account

Not to mention  if you have any problems with your account, you will be assured that customer service is amazing and very helpful. I blogged about a recent problem I had with my Square app on one of my other blogs:

So if you are a small business owner, do yourself a favor and get Square! Great tool to use for craft fairs, vendor fairs, a home party business... you name it! ;o)

For more information go to

Friday, March 16, 2012

I am reactivated!

With Mia Bella Candles! ;o)

I have LOVED these candles ever since I received my first Candle of the Month shipment, which was probably sometime in 2006, if I can remember right.

The best thing about Mia Bella Candles is that they are TRULY top quality. If a candle retains it's scent after 4 years, burns virtually soot free, is pleasing to the nose of someone who has severe allergies (like me), then it is TOP QUALITY, GOURMET!! :o)

Here's my proof. My last shipment was sometime in 2007. I moved that year as well, then moved again in 2009 and put all my stuff in a storage unit for 2 years. I moved again, this time to a different state, unloaded my storage and brought everything up. I just went through the box of candles that I still have, and boy oh boy I was pleasantly surprised to open the box and have all the different scents wafting up to me, smelling the same as they did the day I received my auto-ship!

I still have over 6 dozen votives in 8 different scents, 1 dozen Bella Buns that look and smell like a cinnamon bun, 1 simmer pot with 2 packages of melts in different scents, and 5 Bella Bars in 4 different scents.

When I went to the website to see what was still available, I was amazed to see all the "new-to-me" variety of candles and scents! I can't wait until I start getting my Candle of the Month shipments in April again. I am so pleased with this amazing company that I had to reactivate my distributorship and get back into the groove. :o)

Interested in learning more about the company or just wanting to place an order? Visit my website at

Monday, March 12, 2012

Too important of a quote not to share! ;o)

Don't delay. Once you start putting off your new beginning, it keeps getting easier to put it off

more. Don't be afraid to succeed. Start striving toward your ultimate goals NOW.

Don't give up. Never, ever give up. Most entrepreneurs fail, almost all of them within the first

year. They see their business struggling to get started and instead of persevering, they quit. 

Don't be among those who quit when success is a heartbeat away. If you always believe in 

yourself and never quit trying, you will achieve your dreams.

It takes time, but you have the talent, imagination, and drive to be a successful entrepreneur. 

Reach your pinnacle of success. I know you can do it.

Management FOLLOWS Leadership

Managers work IN the system / Leaders work ON the system

Managers find PROBLEMS / Leaders find OPPORTUNITIES

Managers work with complexity / Leaders work with change

Go to the sounds of the cannons! People buy with their EYES!


…and it all starts with YOU!

Jennifer Ballinger & Cornell Jones Sr


Power of 31 Inc.

And yes, I am a part of this amazing company called Power of 31/Gratitude Candle


31.00 - One-Time Purchase
• 2 Luxury Wax Melts
• Our wax melts are made with the finest quality all natural waxes
• Can burn up to 12 hours.
Just from your Purchase you can participate in our:
• Free Customer Rewards & Referral Program:
• Bonuses
• Scholarship
• Student Loan Repayment
• Power of 31 – Dynamic Financial Training

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Updates coming soon!!

I am not active in my old businesses sadly, but I really want to get back into them, especially Noah's Ark.

Life threw me a nearly impossible curve-ball, and I moved down to Mexico for two years. (on top of forgetting my password to this account, LOL)

During that time, I actually opened a Cyber Cafe. If it hadn't been for shoddy internet service, we still would be open for business. Right now our computers are collecting dust- well,not entirely true, LOL, but they are sitting in a corner not being used until we can get a reliable internet service installed. Business was great, for the first 3 months we had good internet service. Anyway, that is a dream of ours to open a more permanent Cyber Cafe in a better location, and have other services available. We just need to get the reliable internet service first!

So for now, I am doing some online money making opportunities, and those I will post about in my other blog:

I am planning on revisiting some older posts and going back through goals and what I will or am doing to accomplish those. I have decided that 2012 will be THE YEAR. No more excuses!  :o)